The Only Viable Solution for Concrete Pool Decks with KoolDeck Problems
If you come to this page, chances are that your pool deck has a KoolDeck overlay that you are less than happy with. Chances are that your KoolDeck was installed five to twelve years ago, either as part of the original concrete concrete deck, or a few years later to "dress it up." It surely looked nice in the beginning, but over the past few years it has started to look boring, you have cracks and in many areas the KoolDeck is chipping off. Its just not something you can deal with much longer!
Quite possibly, you have called your pool company for advice and maybe a mason, too. And most likely you were told that the only remedy is to rip out your entire concrete deck and start from scratch. That is surely a scary proposition: Not only does the removal of your concrete deck cost a lot of money, it will also have a large impact on your landscaping, fencing, driveway and so on. Nevermind that access for major dump trucks may be blocked by a big Oak tree or an addition, that was not there twenty years ago! Add to that the risk of damagine the pool wall when the deck is removed and a new one is poured and most pool owners feel they are stuck with what they have.
But - thanks to RenuKrete's proporetary and proven technology you now have a way to fix your old KoolDeck installation and upgrade it to a wonderful new, warm and inviting look and feel!
At RenuKrete, we love preserving existing concrete decks by giving them the look and feel of natural stone. Depending on the condition of your KoolDeck overlay, we may be able to preserve it, too.
If your Kooldeck installation looks like one of these pictures, give us a call today for a free consultation! Demand for our KoolDeck solution is high, so don't delay!​​

Give us a call at 800-406-5010 and we can turn your KoolDeck installation into something wonderful. Here are a few results of pool decks with KoolDeck problems that we have worked on: